LGPD: find out its importance in the digital world

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The internet has brought a series of needs, but one of the most important is precisely the treatment given to personal data collected. To achieve this, the GDPR, the General Data Protection Law.

More and more companies operate in the virtual world at the same time that more and more people start to use the internet to carry out the most diverse actions. In the vast majority of cases, there is data generation in each virtual activity.

This data can be collected by the company, which needs to deal with it in the best possible way. Therefore, the customer who purchased a l-shaped workstation with drawers, for example, you should have the peace of mind that your data will not be shared.

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In order to regulate this issue, Law No. 13,709/2018 was created and came into force in 2020. Understanding what it is about, what the impacts are and the points that show its importance is fundamental. Understand more while reading this article.

LGPD saiba a sua importância no mundo digital
PHOTO created by DCStudio

What is the LGPD?

The General Data Protection Law is a rule that was established and that significantly changed the Civil Rights Framework for the Internet. It brought important points to the regulation of collection, storage, processing and sharing of personal data.

Even though it is quite strong in the virtual environment, it also extends offline. In any case, the objective of the law is to make it clear what a company that collects data can or cannot do with it, guaranteeing people's right to confidentiality.

For example, a customer who signed up for a iphone maintenance course via the internet, you have the right to demand that your personal data be protected and never passed on to other companies on the market.

What are the impacts for a company?

The institution of the LGPD brought several impacts to companies, regardless of the segment in which they operate in the market. In fact, among the main changes required, it is possible to mention:

  • Implementation of acts to increase security;
  • Acting with transparency;
  • Accountability;
  • Use of data for specific purposes.

In practice, every company needs to make changes in order to increase security and prevent leakage of collected data. At the same time, this includes acting transparently towards the holders of the information that was collected.

Furthermore, companies also need to be accountable for their responsibilities and must therefore comply with the standards established by the LGPD.

Another impact was that of using collected data only for the purpose for which it was collected and authorized by the holder, as may be the case with customer registration to contract a customer service. optical fiber.

Therefore, there is little care regarding the information that was collected for a specific action in the company, so it is essential that the security of this data is always ensured.

2 important points for companies

Faced with this scenario, companies need to adapt in the best way possible, so that they objectively comply with what is imposed by the LGPD, contributing to internet security.

Therefore, it is essential that some points are clear within the company, which must make the necessary changes and adaptations to act following the instructions of this law.

1. Collection of essential data only

An important point that must be adopted by companies is the collection of strictly necessary data. In addition to giving users more confidence, it is also a way to avoid the accumulation of data that is of no use to the company.

In this sense, an establishment that works offering hourly office rental It does not need to require a landline number and a cell phone number. She just needs to have one of the two to make contact with the customer when necessary.

2. Build your own lead base

Buying leads was, for a long time, an action practiced by companies. However, in light of the LGPD, this action no longer makes sense. One of the reasons for this acquisition was to send marketing emails in order to gain more customers.

Given this, it is always recommended to build your own lead base, which is an action that optimizes the work, since it only collects data from those who are interested in the company. Furthermore, it is essential to make it clear why the email is being collected.

Final considerations

There are many points that show how the LGPD was a necessary regulation and how much it impacts not only data holders, but also companies in general.

Therefore, adapting points such as those mentioned in this article is essential to stay within the law, which is an obligation, while at the same time demonstrating respect for customers.

This text was originally developed by the blog team Investment Guide, where you can find hundreds of informative content about different segments.

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