7 apps for those who train that are free and really work

There are several good apps for those who train that are used as references and a basis for exercises. With them, you can focus before stepping into the gym or putting on your running shoes. We've listed the 7 best training apps that are free, read on!
And to make it easier to read, we added the objective of the training app to the front of the topic title, which can range from weight loss to bodybuilding classes.
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My Fitness Pal (weight loss)

We will mention several apps for those who train focused on sports, such as walking, yoga and weight training. However, we will start by talking about one of the best weight loss apps and you may have even heard of it.
My Fitness Pal is almost an online program, where you have to inform your goal, which is weight loss. It also evaluates your profile and gives nutritional tips for each meal, in addition to mentioning the best types of exercise. It's a free app.

Stretching Exercises (flexibility)

Many people aim for flexibility training. And for several reasons. For example, in a post-operative training plan or for chronic pain treatments. There are also those who do this type of exercise aiming for a better body response for everyday life.
The fact is that this app is great for several purposes, including for those who want to start the day by stretching. He has classes for those who are going for a run and want to stretch their body or for those who want to alleviate pain. It's a type of workout app that everyone should have on their cell phone.

J&J Official 7 Minute (workout)

For those who don't know, a workout is a type of intense training, but it requires little time. Therefore, this app becomes a great idea for those who have little time to train, but don't want to be without physical activity.
The app has 7-minute exercises, as indicated in the title. And before that, he does stretches too. If there's a downside, it's that it's only available in English, but you can understand it with the video explanations. It is free.

Run Keeper (walk)

Despite the name, this is not just a program for those who run on the street or on the treadmill. More than that, he is also one of the walking apps Great for those who are starting to take their first steps in sporting life.
In fact, it's really cool for beginners. It happens through GPS, while the app monitors the distance covered, the pace, the exercise time and even the calories that were burned. In addition to walking and running, he has the option of cycling or hiking.

Daily Yoga (yoga)

For those who train yoga, this is certainly the best-known application. It has paid features, but most are available for free. In other words, there are different types of practical classes, which cater to various levels, from beginners to advanced.
In the case of the free version, which has many training options, you can follow the classes individually, even in English, as everything is explained with images and videos, in addition to descriptions. Available for iOS and Google.

Smart Gym (bodybuilding)

This is one of the apps Smartphones and Tablets for those who train who could not be left off the list. However, it is only available to those with an iPhone, as it can only be downloaded from the App Store. It's free and there's a paid version for those looking for a more complete program.
In the free version, however, there are different functions, such as creating training sheets and archiving exercise details, such as the number of sets, repetitions, weight used and intervals. It is one of best apps for bodybuilders.

Nike Training Club (disciplinary)

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To finish the text, the best-known application for those who train. Nike Training Club brings together multiple sports, activities and goals on the same platform. And it does all this without charging you anything because it's completely free to use.
It includes physical strength, resistance, skills, mobility training and much more. You can also focus on muscle groups or the use of equipment. The idea is to be a type of “diary” for the athlete, showing the total calories burned and achievements.

Paid versions of free apps

Before finishing reading, it is very important that you consider that all the training apps mentioned above are free. However, this does not exempt the fact that they may have paid versions. The idea is to give differences to the user who pays the amount.
Therefore, we recommend that you always carefully read the rules and description of the program before downloading, registering and starting to use. After that, do good training!

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