What does an IT Professional do and what areas of expertise

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What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the term “IT professional”? Possibly, for many people, this professional is nothing more than the person responsible for “helping with my PC”, “repairing the broken printer” or “teaching me how to do something on the computer”.

We will not judge you, since, in fact, several companies hire supposed IT professionals precisely to deal with this type of situation. However, the reality is very different, as we are talking about a very important position for any business.

Profissional de TI
PHOTO: Sigmund on Unsplash

What is IT?

The acronym IT — in case you don't know — comes from Information Technology, a broad area, with several branches and which is constantly evolving. However, in its essence, Information Technology is precisely what the name suggests: the use of technological resources to process information, always seeking to facilitate processes for employees, optimize productivity, reduce costs, propose new work methodologies and — occasionally — get involved in the field of Information Security.

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Take a moment and think: what software packages do you use in your daily work? How do you store your documents? How is it possible, at this time of social isolation, that you can access corporate systems and resources, despite being away from the comfort of your home?

At the office, how can you share files on local networks or even print a paper on the printer that is just a few meters away? Well, this entire structure was designed and maintained by the IT professional.

What does an IT professional do?

As previously stated, the IT professional's work can encompass technical support, but it goes far beyond that: it involves providing guidance, choosing, implementing and maintaining the best systems, software packages and solutions for all departments of a company, with the only objective of ensuring that all employees work efficiently.

For this reason, hard technical skills are not enough; a good IT professional must also develop interpersonal skills, such as organizational, managerial and strategic knowledge.

Technology is something that is constantly evolving. If just a few years ago there were servers inside our offices, today most companies are migrating to the cloud.

Therefore, the dynamism to understand how these innovations can be used for a more organized and productive corporate environment is another characteristic of a successful IT professional. But, of course, to do this, they also need to have a clear vision and be involved in the company's core business.

Thus, by understanding the industry they are working for, they are able to develop specific strategies for each need, adopting more analytical thinking to manage projects.

After all, no company is the same — each one has its own particularities that need to be taken into account when it comes to understanding how everything will work.

The IT professional is crucial for every business

It is difficult to summarize the area of the IT professional in a few words, especially if we consider how many aspects of this “art” there are: there are professionals specialized in infrastructure (responsible for ensuring the proper functioning and configuration of hardware devices), in networks (who focus on in providing secure connectivity, local or remote, between devices and corporate resources), in databases (focused on server management), etc…

In any case, the importance of IT professionals is undeniable. Without them, a company would not have the technological resources necessary to remain competitive in an increasingly demanding market, nor would it be able to keep up with the latest resources in order to guarantee the productivity of its employees.

10 highest paid professions in the IT market

We are living in a time of flux, with jobs lost to automation, while other jobs require specific skills and qualifications.
And, with the new year of 2022 here, whether you're giving your career some consideration to ensure you're prepared with your skill set for the future or perhaps moving into a new field, here's everything you need to know about top 10 highest paying IT jobs for you.

Read all about the highest paying jobs in tech below to see which one interests you most. And once you've made the decision, the next step is to figure out the type of training and practice, or certification you'll need to transition into one of these higher-paying IT job roles.

10. Product Manager

Product managers are responsible for providing an operational plan that can help achieve strategic and tactical goals and objectives, build a product portfolio, manage and implement marketing activities, and contribute to the product strategy and vision.

9. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Engineer

An Artificial Intelligence (AI) engineer develops, manages and oversees AI initiatives within an organization. An AI engineer must have in-depth knowledge of mathematics and statistics.

8. Full-Stack Developer

Today, there are over 23 million developers globally and by 2023, it would reach 27.7 million – definitely making it one of the highest paying IT jobs in the industry!

7. Cloud Architect

Next on the list of highest paying IT jobs is cloud architect. A cloud architect deploys and oversees an organization's cloud computing strategy.

6. DevOps Engineer

Next on the list of highest paying jobs in technology is a DevOps engineer.

It can refer to someone on the development team who participates in deployment and network operations, or someone on the operations team who works on application development.

5. Blockchain Engineer

A blockchain engineer specializes in developing and implementing engineering and solutions using blockchain technology.

Worldwide spending on blockchain solutions is expected to reach 15.9 billion by 2023, which means there will be a lot of demand for blockchain experts, across all sectors and geographies.

4. Software Engineer

Next on the list of highest paid IT jobs is Software engineer. A software engineer optimizes the development process by making design choices and dictating technical standards such as coding, tools, and platforms. As part of their role, they identify a client's requirements and carry out hands-on work to develop prototypes.

3. Big Data Engineer

Internet users generate about 2.5 quintillion bytes of data per day. To leverage and gain insights from such a huge amount of data, more than 97% of organizations are investing in Big Data and AI.

2. Information systems security manager

Now more than ever, employers need skilled IT security professionals to help keep sensitive data and systems safe.

Successful candidates for this hot job have a technical background in systems and network security and have great interpersonal and leadership skills. Analytical and problem-solving skills are key, as are excellent communication skills.

1. Mobile App Developer

Just look at the apps on your phone or tablet, and it's very easy to find out why mobile app developers are in demand. These IT professionals need experience developing applications for popular platforms such as iOS and Android.
They must also have experience coding with mobile frameworks and mobile development languages, and knowledge of mobile development languages. Web development.

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