What is eSports? How to play and important tips

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If at any point you have ever wondered what eSports is, this text will help clarify your doubts. Through it, you understand how this modality works and discover what it takes to become a successful player.

And there? Are you ready to work in one of the most fun and promising areas today?

To do this, we recommend that you read the following topics carefully. Furthermore, put the tips into practice, inspired by the processes carried out by the biggest players in the world. If everything goes well, you will soon be able to raise the victory cup! Are you excited? So let's go!

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After all, what is eSports?

o que é eSports
what is eSports – Reproduction

The first thing you should know, when researching what eSports is, is that this modality is very new and emerged with the advancement of technology.

In this way, eSports are virtual games carried out in major championships. To do this, they have teams of very experienced professional players, in addition to being broadcast to a passionate audience, who watches via television, Streaming, YouTube, among other platforms.

Currently, there are several categories of games in the eSports modality. This makes it easier to find that game you love. After all, when you discover what eSports is, you realize that both playing and watching can be very fun experiences.

In this sense, the public that watches the games moves the financial market and even invests in the teams that participate in the tournaments. In addition to big brands and technology companies, of course.

Now that you know what eSports is, see how to become a player in this sport.

How do I become an eSports player?

To become an eSports player you need to know the gaming market well and specialize in what you like most. So, with a lot of training and persistence, you can be considered one of the best in the field.

Right away, we have some good news regarding the eSports category. See below:

  • It is a more accessible modality, compared to other sports;
  • It can be practiced at home;
  • There is no minimum age to start.

Thus, the eSports player will only need:

  • Good internet for playing online;
  • Computer or video game that “runs” the chosen game well;
  • Lots of patience and persistence.

Nowadays, the most used resource to gain notoriety in this modality is social networks. So, as you gain experience, you should start recording lives and videos of your performance. This way, you will gain loyal followers and connect with other players.

In the case of game streaming (like on YouTube), it is still possible to earn “Super Chats” or other virtual currencies, in which the public pays to watch you play.

What types of eSports are there?

As previously stated, when you discover what eSports is, you realize that there are many categories and modalities available. This makes it easier to specialize in the one you really like and believe can work.

Check the modalities in the list below:

  • MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle);
  • FPS (First Person Shooter);
  • Card Games;
  • Battle Royale;
  • Simulators;
  • Evo Fighting games.

Due to the fact that eSports were created in the United States, the modalities are given names in English. However, if you are already passionate about games, you should know some of them.

It is also important to mention that, for some of these modalities, there are great turners. This is the case of League of Legends games, for example. In this sense, in 2018 the Legends tournament brought 7 thousand people to the arena, in person. In addition, 60 thousand viewers watched online.

Tips for those who want to become a professional player

Probably, now that you know what eSports is, your heart must be racing. Even more so when you think about the number of people who, one day, could be fans of your work. Also including all the financial achievement that this can generate.

So, we're going to give you precious tips to become a successful professional player, and find an incredible team to compete with:

  • Invest in appropriate equipment: To play well, you need to have a suitable computer/video game, as well as a comfortable chair. Believe! You will spend hours and hours sitting;
  • Put a good internet: internet speed is crucial to support online games in real time, in which you need to rely on speed and quality;
  • Train a lot: the more you play, the better your performance will be;
  • Choose a game: you need to invest in a single universe, to specialize;
  • Study hard, go to tournaments and meet other players: watch videos from other players, invest in courses and lectures. If this is going to be your profession, you need to experience the world of games.


In short, discovering what eSports is opens up a range of possibilities to work in an incredible and new area. In this sense, to be a successful player in the online world, athletes need to know this universe more and more, invest in appropriate equipment and train a lot. Thus, it is possible to reach unimaginable places within the profession.

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